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Crews continue to work on fence installation along Harrison Hollow Loop for this project, please plan ahead and choose another route if you are looking to hike or ride in Hillside to Hollow Reserve. It will give the team the opportunity to work quickly and efficiently. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Harrison Hollow Loop Fencing

A new all-weather trail loop was installed at Hillside to Hollow in 2024. When all-weather trails are installed, the trail surface is replaced with road mix and the excavated material is spread along the side of the trail. The excavated materials are native soils and vegetation can naturally germinate in the soils and become established. Throughout fall and winter, this area has been heavily trafficked by dogs and people inhibiting regrowth of vegetation.  Without additional measures, the soil will continue to compact from off-trail traffic, and vegetation may never be able to grow back.

To stop off-trail traffic and allow the trailside to revegetate, a temporary fence was installed along the new all-weather trail. After the fence is installed, the disturbed areas will be seeded with grasses. Grass seeds will be incorporated into the soil with rakes and then a dyed tackifier will be sprayed over top of the seeding so that seeds cannot blow away.

Staying off newly seeded grasses is critical to help them establish for the following reasons:

  1. Avoiding soil compaction – grass roots cannot penetrate hard compacted soils.
  2. Preventing seed displacement – foot traffic can displace newly planted seeds which prevents them from settling into the soil. Displaced seeds will fail to germinate.
  3. Minimizing damage to tender seedlings – newly germinated seedlings are delicate and can easily be damaged by off-trail dogs and people.
  4. Preventing erosion – off-trail foot traffic disturbs soils, especially on slopes where water is prone to runoff. Grass roots can hold soil in place but require sufficient time to develop a strong root system.

Hillside to Hollow is a natural area managed for wildlife habitat and recreational access. To preserve Hillside to Hollow for future generations, please temporarily leash dogs along the project area (see map to the right) and do not disturb seeded areas.

Map (PDF)

Thank you for helping Hillside to Hollow heal.