The vision of preserving the foothills and trail system dates back to the 1940s when community leaders were discussing the future of the hills that had been part of the Boise Army Barracks military training area. A number of committees over the years echoed this desire and in 1992 a variety of local, state and federal agencies combined their efforts to turn this dream into reality - the Ridge to Rivers partnership was formed. The Ridge to Rivers partnership consists of the City of Boise, Ada County, the Bureau of Land Management Four Rivers Field Office, the Boise National Forest and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. The Partnership exists under a multi-agency Memorandum of Understanding, with the City of Boise serving as the lead agency.
Pooling Limited Resources
The success of the Ridge to Rivers partnership is based on the concept of sharing funding and expertise. By pooling limited funds and specialized knowledge, this partnership effort can accomplish community goals while using tax dollars efficiently.
Citizens and Landowners are Part of the Team
Many landowners and citizens have given time and energy to achieve the goal of an interconnected system of trails and open space. With so many of the existing trails crossing private lands, the landowners have been an important partner in creating what has become a critical element of this valley's quality of life. Our hats are off to those landowners who have shown vision and cooperation to help make our community unique. Volunteers are also an important part of the maintenance of the trails. Over 2,000 volunteer hours are applied each year in caring for the foothills - a sure sign that this area is important to Treasure Valley residents.