Please follow the International Mountain Bike Association Guidelines.
- To all oncoming hikers, runners & horses.
- Downhill bikers yield to uphill bikers.
- STOP! Yield with one foot on the ground and two wheels on the trail when yielding to hikers, runners & bikers. Don’t ride parallel to the trail.
- When encountering another user from behind, slow down, announce your presence and ask to pass.
- Promote a good trail ethic – Always slow down and say hello when encountering other users.
Control Your Speed
- Ride, don't slide. Do not skid.
- Don't cut corners or curves.
- Stay on the trail.
Blind Corners
Trails in the foothills often have limited sight distances. It is imperative that you slow down when approaching any blind corners, to avoid collisions with hikers, equestrians and other riders.
What can you expect?
Surprised trail users. Fast moving users can startle others, especially when approaching from behind. Always ride under control, anticipate users around blind corners, and be exceedingly friendly and communicative.
What is your responsibility?
Mountain bikers yield to hikers, horses and uphill traffic.
Passing Hikers or Cyclists from Behind:
- Give a friendly hello.
- Slow down.
- Pass slowly when the other party steps to the side of the trail.
Slow down when approaching blind corners, and EXPECT TO ENCOUNTER SOMEONE. These can be dangerous situations and will ensure safe passing for all - equestrians, mountain bikers and hikers.

There's horses in them hills:
Horses are part of Idaho's heritage, and equestrians are welcome on Ridge to Rivers trails. This can sometimes be a scary proposition for the equestrian rider sharing a narrow trail with a fast-moving mountain bike. Horses and mules are prey animals. That means they think everything wants to eat them; even the hiker with a large, scary backpack and especially the fast-moving biker "chasing" them or encountering them on a blind corner.
What should you do if you encounter a horse rider?
- Slow down and give a friendly hello.
- Remain at least 25 feet behind the rider until they have an opportunity to allow you to pass safely - which they may request you do by dismounting and walking your bike.
Approaching an Oncoming Horse
Stop at least 50 feet away, give a friendly hello and step to the downhill side of the trail so that the horse can pass safely by. Why the downhill side? Horses tend to want to move uphill when spooked, so this ensures safety for both you and the equestrian.
For etiquette information for e-bikes, please visit our motorized users page.