Construction of the Curlew Connection Trail
Curlew Connection Trail Project
Construction of the non-motorized trail started in September, with completion expected by the end of November 2024.
The Curlew Connection Trail will be approximately 2.9 miles long and will be located between Watchman Trail #3 and Femrite’s Patrol Trail #6. The addition of this connection will provide a long, mid-elevation trail experience linking Hulls Gulch Reserve trails to trails in the Rocky Canyon area when users combine it with Fat Tire Traverse #42 and Watchman Trail #3. This trail may be closed during the winter months to protect wintering wildlife. The trail will be located on land managed by the BLM. The new trail was evaluated and approved by the BLM through an environmental assessment in 2019.
The new trail will provide additional recreational opportunities for a variety of users and allow for important connections within the Boise Foothills.
The City of Boise is funding this project.